
Olvera Street

* I am writing in response to a column by George Ramos, “Reclaiming the Simple Delights of Olvera Street” (July 18). It is truly a shame that as much as Ramos comes and speaks with many of the merchants, including myself, he has failed to write about what is really happening here. Yes, there are two associations, but to read any of Ramos’ articles, one gets the impression that there is only one group representing the merchants.

One desire all the merchants have is to have a better Olvera Street. Ramos is definitely out of touch with the real issues that pertain to Olvera Street. The merchants are working with city government to improve Olvera Street and the surrounding area. The merchants are not squabbling with each other; why did Ramos bring out events that happened years ago?

Ramos chooses to print and create the negative and never the positive, but I guess that is the result when one mixes taquitos and aspirin.



Los Angeles
