
First On-Line

Robert Levine’s article “Coming Attractions Come On-Line” (Film Clips, July 10), about video clips from movies being available via computer network “for the first time, starting two weeks ago,” must have come as a big surprise to Paramount, TriStar, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and other studios. They’ve made such programs available to subscribers of CompuServe since last year.

ShowBiz Forum on CompuServe was the first to introduce these clips produced by Hollywood Online and has presented interactive multimedia programs from films such as “The Age of Innocence,” “Addams Family Values” and others. Our current features among more than a dozen films include “Forrest Gump,” “Speed,” “Blown Away” and even cult TV shows such as “Dr. Who.” For all of these, there are video segments, sound clips and interactive electronic magazines that include production notes, cast bios, still photos and story information.

If Levine tires of listening to hyenas on his computer, he’s welcome to visit ShowBiz Forum on CompuServe to get Tom Hanks saying, “My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.” Or even Dennis Miller giving his hysterical “Happy Fellow” routine from his HBO talk show.



Administrator, ShowBiz Forum

Santa Barbara
