
Fair Representation

* Sen. Frank Hill, after delays of several years, was convicted on corruption charges. He “resigned” his state Senate seat but stonewalled his departure so as to gain the interim income from a position he cannot serve and prevent replacement by an honest representative.

His actions demonstrate the arrogance and ethical violations of some of our public officials that unfortunately escalates public scorn of our government and weakens democracy. Even worse is the attitude of GOP leader Sen. Ken Maddy, who said of Hill: “ . . . He was more of a victim of circumstances and the venue than he is of committing a crime.” That rationale would excuse almost all law violators.

So, the 29th District residents went without representation during the crucial period of state budget development and adoption? So, we ordinary voters are supposed to accept a different criminal code for legislators? Or, does this case just fit the pattern of more lenient treatment for white-collar crimes?


Now I understand the point of the cry “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.” Hill should go!


Huntington Beach
