

* Your editorial (“Giving Taiwan an Even Break,” July 10) hits right on the mark in naming the root cause of the United States’ see-no-Taiwan, speak-no-Taiwan policy of the last 15 years--fear of upsetting Beijing.

As U.S. officials said, upgrading the modest changes in U.S. relations with Taiwan doesn’t affect Washington’s “one China” policy. And these modest changes help give more space for Taiwan in dealing with the United States more efficiently. This is absolutely in the U.S. interest. As Beijing’s objection is foreseeable, Washington’s stance can be construed as a commitment to a standing friendship between the United States and Taiwan.

With a population of about 21 million, Taiwan is a small island with no significant reserve of natural resources. Through the hardship of the past 40 years or so Taiwan is now the sixth biggest market for American products. It is the 14th largest trader and the seventh biggest investor in the world. Also Taiwan has accumulated a foreign exchange reserve of around $80 billion, second only to Japan.


After a series of political liberalization programs in the recent years, today we can proudly tell the world: Our people enjoy the same freedom as any people in the Western democratic countries do.

To wish a turnaround in U.S. policy toward Taiwan would be unrealistic at this point of time. As a valuable trading partner of the United States, Taiwan is entitled to an even break in Washington’s weighing of foreign policies.

KUNG-CHAO NI, Director

Coordination Council for North

American Office

Los Angeles
