
Topics / BRIEFLY : AIDS: Provocative Safe-Sex Campaign Targets Gay Men

A new campaign promoting safe sex among young gay men has been launched in West Hollywood.

With the help of a $3,000 grant from the city of West Hollywood, the nonprofit health organization L.A. Shanti is distributing flyers, business cards, condoms and posters featuring gay men in provocative embraces designed to promote safe sex.

Unprotected sex is common among young men, especially men of color, said L.A. Shanti spokesman Paul Lerner. “Young people often have a sense of invulnerability and that extends even to AIDS,” Lerner said.

The ad campaign, being done free by Marina del Rey-based Hajjar/Kaufman, aims to grab attention with the slogan “Touching, Caressing, Arousing, Stimulating. Coming?” surrounded by three provocative photographs of male models embracing and kissing.


“We wanted (the education campaign) to address gay men in Hollywood,” said Tom West of West Hollywood’s Human Resources Department. “The more provocative the better. (We want) anything that is eye-catching, to get the attention of the target population.”

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