
CARSON : Sheriff’s Dept. Will Enforce Youth Curfew

In a bid to curb graffiti and other crimes by young people, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will begin to strictly enforce a 10 p.m. curfew starting Friday for youths under the age of 18.

Under the department’s new policy, youths who cannot prove they are en route to a specific destination, or who do not have written permission from a parent to be out, will be in violation of the curfew.

In the past, youngsters would have been cited and released. But now young people detained by deputies will be held at the station until arrangements can be made with their parents to pick them up.


Besides calling parents, deputies also will issue citations for violating the curfew.

“Our hope is to cut down on the graffiti and vandalism that occurs,” said Sgt. Steve Bellino of the Carson station.

The fine for curfew violations can be up to $1,000 and/or six months in jail, police officials said.
