
Shelter, Counseling at Haven Hills

Haven Hills offers counseling, a crisis hot line and an emergency shelter for battered women and their children. The hot line was established in 1977, followed by a counseling program in 1978 and the shelter’s opening in 1980.

In 1993-94, the shelter served 127 battered women and 235 of their children.

Of these women and children, 25% were African Americans; 30% were white; 41% were Latino; 2% were American Indian, and 1% were Asian Pacific.

Forty percent of the shelter residents were age 5 or younger; 20% were between 6 and 11; 3% were between 12 and 17; 9% were between 18 and 23; 26% were between 24 and 44; 1% were between 45 and 54, and 1% were aged 55 or older.


In 1993-94, Haven Hills also provided 753 individual counseling sessions for 302 women, and held 156 group counseling meetings.

About 2,849 women received crisis intervention counseling on the 24-hour hot line last year.
