
THE NEXT LOS ANGELES / TURNING IDEAS INTO ACTION : Human Relations : Will Los Angeles create a model of vitality by shaping common goals, or will it disintegrate into a modern-day Babel? : Solutions : Teach Kids to Think

FROM: Cheryl Greer, 39, a faculty member of Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena.

Greer, who leads seminars and workshops on diversity training, proposes that school districts introduce an anti-bias perspective in their curricula--beginning in preschool--that teaches children to be critical thinkers.

Such a curriculum recognizes and explores differences in people by including diversity in all subject matter. It is not a separate discipline, like ethnic studies. Such a perspective shows diversity as the norm and allows children to decide what is fair and unfair. It talks about ways to effect change.


This can happen, at least on a limited scale. Implementing anti-bias curricula on a large scale might be difficult given the politics of local school boards and the intense competition and review process for public school textbooks. The notion might catch on more quickly in private schools.
