
BURBANK : 2 Ocean Fishing Trips Planned for Youths

More than 40 Burbank youths between the ages of 10 and 17 will head to the ocean Monday to see if they can catch a fish or two.

The expedition, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department, is the only one of its kind in the country, said parks board member Terre Hirsch.

Hirsch helped found the program four years ago. Since then, the department has conducted two fishing trips to the ocean each summer.


One of the trips is open to anyone. “People always ask me if the program is just for underprivileged kids,” said Hirsch, “and I always tell them that anyone who has never been deep-sea fishing is underprivileged, no matter what their economic position.”

The other trip is geared toward gang members and youths who are trying to make a transition out of gang life. This year one, of the 10 chaperons is a former gang member who has been on the trip before.

Other volunteer chaperons include a judge, three police officers, a barber and an aerobics instructor. “They just do it because they want to help the kids,” said Hirsch. “They don’t get anything out of it except a soda pop and a hot dog.”


The trip costs $5,, although the fee is waived if a child’s family cannot afford it. The reason for the fee, said Hirsch, “is to give the parents some incentive to get their kids down there at 6 in the morning.”

The first year there was no fee and 10 kids did not show up, she said.

Prizes are given to the children for various things, such as one for the youth who throws the most fish back. But, according to Hirsch, “most kids are so thrilled to be out there, if they catch a fish, they want to keep it.”

Hirsch said this time of year there is expected to be especially good fishing, and he went so far as to guarantee that the young anglers would catch something.


The second trip is planned for August.
