
PACOIMA : Buddhist Festival Honors Ancestors

Beneath the glow of paper lanterns, men and women of the Japanese-American community, garbed in traditional kimonos and hapi coats, dance to traditional folk music to observe Obon, a Buddhist holiday that honors the dead.

Traditionally, lanterns are used to lure the spirits of the ancestors back for a few days for elaborate festivities, involving folk dances, music, offerings of fruits and vegetables and prayers.

The Obon observance begins Sunday at the San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple at 9450 Remick Ave. in Pacoima, with a ceremony performed by the Rev. Kakuyei Tada. But the festival, known as the Bon Odori, or Festival of Lanterns, will be celebrated at the temple July 30 and 31.


Among the highlights will be a book-signing and reading of “Thanksgiving at Obaachan’s” by Japanese-American author Janet Mitsui Brown. A display of bonsai trees, flower arrangements and dolls also will be featured.

The festival will take place 5 to 11 p.m. July 30 and 5 to 10 p.m. July 31.

For more information, call (818) 899-4030.
