
Simpson Murder Case : OTHER VIEWS

Newspapers in the United States have not been alone in coverage the Simpson case. Some samples of headlines from abroad:

“The Case of the ex-Football Star and Actor Accused of the Double Assassination moved the United States”

--Folha De Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 26

“Court of Stars in Los Angeles: The Media Frenzy Surrounding the Simpson Affair Underlines the Slide in American Justice”


--Le Monde, France, June 30

“O.J. Simpson Arrest: Flight From the Execution Chamber”

--Sports Nippon, Japan, June 19 at left


“This would be a very easy decision for me if in fact these officers went in there like storm troopers, fanning out over the property, examining every leaf, every car, every closet, every nook and cranny of this location. But the testimony . . . shows this was not what happened.”

Judge Kathleen Kennedy-Powell
