
MID-WILSHIRE : Manual Arts Student 2nd in Essay Contest

Korea Society/Los Angeles has announced the winners of this year’s National High School Contests on Korea for students and teachers, awarding $34,750 in scholarships, two trips to South Korea and other prizes.

Mabel Mendez, a senior at Manual Arts High School, was the only prize winner from Central Los Angeles. She won a second-place award of $500.

The student essay contest, now in its fourth year, drew 5,330 entries on the topic “My Vision of Korea in the Age of Globalization and Multiculturalism.”


The grand prize winners, Jennifer Lee of New York City and William Bestani of New Canaan, Conn., each won a $1,500 scholarship and a weeklong trip to South Korea. In addition, 10 students won first-place awards of $1,000, 15 students won second-place awards of $500 and 25 students won third-place awards of $250. An additional 35 students will receive honorable mention plaques.

This year’s contest for the first time also invited high school teachers to submit lesson plans designed to introduce globalization and multiculturalism into their curricula by using Korea and Korean Americans as examples. More than 900 entries were submitted.

Grand-prize winner Randy Brooks of Dallas, Ga., received $2,000. Two teachers won first-place awards of $1,000, four won second-place awards of $500 and eight won third-place awards of $250.


Information: (213) 935-1560.
