
Four-Star Films : ‘The Leopard’

Luchino Visconti’s sumptuous 1963 film of the Giuseppe di Lampedusa novel is set against Italy’s turbulent 1860s, and compares with “Gone With the Wind” as an evocation of an aristocracy crumbling in war. It has battle scenes, a grand ball and a pragmatic survivor as a protagonist. A glorious triumph of personal expression, it is an example of the historical epic as an art film. Burt Lancaster is superb as a Sicilian aristocrat who laments the passing of his privileged world yet understands why it must inevitably be destroyed. With Alain Delon (pictured) as Lancaster’s beloved nephew and Claudia Cardinale as the beautiful daughter of the local mayor, a man as vulgar as he is rich (Cinemax Sunday at noon).

Other four-star films this week:

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 original version) Disney Channel, Monday, midnight.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Cinemax, Monday, 8:45 a.m.; Thursday at midnight.

The Bank Dick A&E;, Tuesday, 1 a.m.

Paths of Glory TMC, Tuesday, 1:15 p.m.

The Searchers TNT, Tuesday, 5 p.m.

Red River TNT, Tuesday, 7:35 p.m.
