
San Clemente : Fire Service Merger Analysis Due in May

An analysis of the proposed merger of the city Fire Department with the county Fire Department may be completed by May 1, city officials learned Thursday.

The City Council, looking for potential cost savings, voted 5 to 0 last month to seek the report from the Orange County Fire Department, which serves 16 cities, including much of South County. The city is paying $15,000 for the study.

“It’s worth some money to find out if you can save a lot of money,” Interim Fire Chief Gene Begnell said. “I don’t believe there is a lot of money to save here, but the analysis will tell.”


The 45-member city department, which includes animal control and emergency planning, has an annual operating budget of about $3.8 million.

The proposed merger has not raised the public outcry that accompanied talks last year ultimately resulting in a merger between the city Police Department and Orange County Sheriff’s Department. But Mayor Scott Diehl said he’s sure members of the Fire Department are somewhat nervous about this process.

“I think they understand the council has made a lot of tough decisions,” Diehl said. “But there certainly wasn’t any rancor there.”


The merging of police services is expected to save about $2.1 million this fiscal year.
