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“He just said he had had enough. He snapped, basically. . . . He and his dad argued a lot. He lost control.”

--Matt Conner, friend of Christopher Golly


“He wanted his son to become a decent person again. At that point, when Steve could take no more, I think Chris saw it as his father didn’t love him anymore.”

--Marissa Morales, friend of Steve Golly


“She was here last night with us, just like old times. She was . . . talking about the demands that her new job required and letting us know how happy she was to be a police officer. She always said it was what she wanted to do.”


--Hugo Martinez, manager of a North Hollywood nursery where Hamilton used to work


“You’ve lost a good one with Christy.”

--Kenneth Brondell, father of Christy Hamilton, speaking to Police Chief Willie L. Williams


“He was into speed pretty bad. It made him really pumped, really amped. I also think it messed up his head, because sometimes he was on the crazy side.”

--James Carieri, describing his friend, Chris Golly


“The AR-15 series of weapons are very dangerous and all that come within that series should be prohibited. What more do we need than the tragic death of Police Officer Christy Hamilton in order to emphasize that point?”


--State Sen. David A. Roberti (D-Van Nuys)


“He was, for the most part, a happy guy, always smiling.”

--Attorney Marshall N. Schwartz, describing Steve Golly, whom he represented in a 1988 divorce from Golly’s wife, Pamela


“My father was a Los Angeles police officer for 30 years. I always wanted to be a police officer, but I got married when I was 19 (and) started a family, and my life sort of changed.”

--Christy Hamilton, speaking to reporters at her graduation from the Police Academy last Friday



“She was very positive. She just hung in there. She never quit.”

--Nick Fotiades, senior training officer for Hamilton’s Police Academy class


“There were 80 graduates last Friday, and yet somehow she stood out in all our minds. This city mourns her loss.”

--Police Commission President Gary Greenebaum


“I always thought he would be a difficult father. My youngest son is 27 and when he was a little kid Steve caught him throwing rocks into his pool and chastised him severely. He was very cross with children, really a stern individual.”

--Shirley Frankel, describing longtime neighbor Steve Golly
