
New Foothill Toll Lanes Aim for Quicker Collection


In a move to speed motorists along on their way, two new toll collection lanes for the Foothill tollway will open this week.

The improvement comes four months after the opening of the 3.2-mile tollway and will help more than 8,000 commuters travel “more efficiently,” officials from the Transportation Corridor Agencies announced last week.

An additional northbound lane will open at the Portola Parkway off-ramp at 2 p.m. today, and an additional southbound lane will open at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Each new lane will be equipped with coin-toss toll machines, which require exact change of 50 cents.


The northbound ramp will now have one electronic toll collection lane and two coin-toss machine lanes. The southbound ramp will have one electronic toll collection lane, one coin-toss machine lane and one manual lane where change can be made by a toll attendant.

Toll collectors have been stationed at the coin-toss machine at Portola Parkway during the morning commute to make change. That service will be eliminated with the opening of the new lanes, officials said.
