
Children Deserve a Permanent Court

* Your editorial supporting the satellite children’s court in the Antelope Valley (Jan. 30) was appreciated.

Your insights into the devastating effects of forcing distressed families into a transportation nightmare of 140-plus-mile round trips to make court appearances is the prime reason a permanent dependency court is required.

Adding insult to injury by requiring abused and neglected children to travel over 70 miles each way to go to court, a trip that takes two to six hours each day, is unconscionable.


We were successful in opening the satellite court in the Antelope Valley last July. This was a welcome relief.

With the recent devastating earthquake, the collapsed freeways punctuated the need for expanded county services in the Antelope Valley.

We have been working with Superior Court Judge Marcus Tucker, presiding judge of the Juvenile Court, to make the satellite dependency court in the Antelope Valley permanent.



Los Angeles

Antonovich represents the 5th District on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
