
THE EARTHQUAKE : As Crisis Recedes, Spirit of Togetherness Must Last

* The board of the Canoga Park/West Hills Chamber of Commerce wishes to express its anguish at the destruction caused by the Jan. 17 earthquake. Upon touring Canoga Park and West Hills, one sees massive damage to many homes, businesses and lives. The full extent of the impact of the earthquake has not been determined.

There will be an increase in employment and income in the short term, as we repair. Let us assist in the long term by financially supporting one another in our rebuilding efforts. I would like to remind and encourage everyone to seek the services of local businesses--the people who live and work in the community, not the ones who are here today and gone tomorrow. Unfortunately there are many who take advantage of this tragic situation by inflating prices. Our local businesses need your patronage and will be here to service the community long after this catastrophe has passed.

In addition, the board would like to express appreciation and gratitude to all who responded in giving help to others, emergency services and local agencies as well. I thought it was remarkable considering the extent of the damages to see how quickly the utility companies had things back on line. Everyone pulled together and assisted each other, neighbors and businesses alike. The best emerged during a difficult time. We need to keep that spirit alive.




Canoga Park/West Hills

Chamber of Commerce
