
INSIDE THE NEW LAS VEGAS : Few Casino Discounts Available

Hotel discounts for seniors in Las Vegas are rare. Though a survey commissioned last year by the Clark County Convention and Visitors Authority revealed that nearly half of all visitors to Las Vegas are age 50 or older, the thinking is that competition alone seems to keep prices to a minimum. Still, some resorts and casinos occasionally offer special incentives. Because of the gaming mecca’s popularity, it is always wise to call in advance to confirm discount programs and reservations. Some highlights:

* The Stardust Resort and Casino, in the center of the Las Vegas Strip, is offering a Senior Spring Fling package for members of the American Assn. of Retired Persons. Room rates in the Stardust’s Motor Inn are $28 per night, double occupancy, or $38 in the new Tower. Bonus features of the Spring Fling, at no additional charge, include two free tickets to two of the resort’s their popular shows. One is “Enter the Night,” which normally costs $24.95 per person and includes two cocktails; the other is its afternoon show, “Star Odyssey,” usually $4.95 per person. Guests also receive $16 in discounts at the Stardust’s all-you-can-eat buffet, and each person receives the Stardust’s casino fun book, which has coupons for food, beverage, souvenirs and gaming discounts.

The offer is valid until April 30, and reservations are required. Present your AARP membership card upon registering at the hotel. For information and reservations, call (800) 824-6033.


* The Imperial Palace has a new tower, bringing its room total to 2,700. It also has one of the world’s largest collections of antique and classic automobiles. The Imperial Palace is offering a Senior Classic Special for anyone over age 55 or AARP members. of AARP. The Classic Special is valid until Dec. 29, and includes: a room rate (Sunday through Thursday) of $10 per person per night, a free pass to the Auto Collection (regular admission, $6.95);, free breakfast or lunch buffet or a $5 discount good at any of the Imperial’s several fine restaurants.

Regular buffet prices, including tax, are $5.07 for breakfast, $5.61 for lunch; a free Slotto redemption card that entitles the bearer to a scratch Lotto card. Lotto prizes may vary from a simple souvenir to cash prizes. For Imperial Palace information and reservations, call (800) 634-6441.

* The longest-running production show in Las Vegas is the Folies Bergere at the Tropicana Resort Hotel, one of the few Las Vegas showrooms that still offers a dinner show. The Folies has been running at the “Trop” continuously for 35 years, and was recently voted “the show with the best showgirls” by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. There are two shows nightly except Thursday--a dinner show at 7:30 p.m. and a cocktail show at 10:30 p.m. For AARP members of AARP, the following discounts apply: dinner show, usually from $36.15, reduced by $5; cocktail show, usually $26.75, reduced by $3.


Tickets must be purchased one hour before show time at the Tropicana Show ticket booth; there is a limit of two tickets per each AARP membership card. Patrons who would like a close-up look backstage can get a free tour, Tuesday through Saturday at 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. For Tropicana Hotel information, call (800) 634-4000.

* One of the original Strip resort hotels is the Riviera, which has introduced the Riviera Gold Club for seniors over 50. Membership is free and provides numerous incentives, including one free buffet meal with each night’s stay (on reservations made through the Gold Club), plus cash bonuses for slot players, free slot tournaments with cash prizes, a free quarterly newsletter, special senior events and a $37 room rate seven days a week (average regular rate is $69). During certain periods, rooms are as low as $19 or $29 per night. For a free newsletter and membership application, call (800) 637-5687.
