
VENTURA : Telethon for Quake Victims Planned

Spanish-language television station KSTV will hold a telethon today to benefit Ventura County earthquake victims.

The event, being run in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will be from 1 to 6 p.m. at KSTV studios, 6020 Nicolle Ave., Ventura. It is the first telethon that the 3-year-old station has attempted, said Promotions Director Susan Robles.

“We felt there was a need for us to try to help our community,” Robles said. She said the station--which broadcasts in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties--has already received $5,000 in pledges.


The station is seeking volunteers, both English- and Spanish-speaking, to answer phones during the telethon. For information, call 650-8857.
