
Blame the Developer, Not the Coyote

* Lori Klunder must be upset after losing (her pet cats) Bugsy and Bianca to coyotes. However, you cannot blame the coyote.

Developers and planning commissioners are the culprit. Money-hungry, uncaring, ignorant developers take over the land where these creatures have resided for centuries. Planning commissioners, most of whom are appointed and know nothing of the habitats of areas, approve plans to develop housing for people.

Eliminating and displacing animals is racism. The human race is superior and the animal kingdom is supposed to be the nothings of the world. Not true. Everything and everyone was put on this world for a purpose.


Let us humans have enough sense to keep a balance. Everyone and everything has a place. However, the human race wants it all. The best advice is keep the kitties in the house, your dogs on a leash. Keep the land normal. Leave the coyote alone.


Los Alamitos
