
CHINATOWN : Parents Praised for Castelar Attendance

Castelar Elementary School has been lauded by the Los Angeles Unified School District for having the highest attendance figures last year among the district’s 420 elementary schools.

During the 1992-93 school year, Castelar’s average percentage of children in class was 97%, according to district figures compiled last fall. The district’s average attendance at elementary schools was 92%.

Castelar Principal Dore Wong praised her faculty and staff for their efforts in getting students to school, but said the parents deserve much of the credit for the honor. The school does not offer any particular incentives for perfect attendance, so it is really the parents who influence their children, Wong said.


Parent Chi Mui agreed. “The parents understand getting their children to school is pivotal,” said Mui, whose son is a second-grader at Castelar. “They get up at 5 or 6 in the morning to get their kids to school.”

Castelar has an enrollment of 1,057.
