
Bridge Retrofit Delay

“Swift Freeway Retrofits Urged” (Feb. 2) and “Public Safety Must Never Take a Back Seat” (editorial, Feb. 6) suggested that the court dispute between Caltrans and the union representing its engineers is to blame for the delay in retrofitting freeway structures.

We are saddened that top Caltrans officials would choose a time like this to try to blame their workers for delays in retrofitting freeway structures while Caltrans engineers are working feverishly in overseeing the clearing away of debris as well as preparing plans and contracts for repair of the damaged freeways.

What the public is not being told is that last year the legislative analyst, noting that the seismic retrofit program was more that one year behind the schedule established by the Legislature, was particularly critical of Gov. Pete Wilson for his proposed budget, which “siphons transportation funds” from the seismic safety retrofit account to the general fund in order to balance the state budget.


The court battle between Caltrans and its engineers did nothing to “siphon” funds from the retrofit account or delay its implementation.

We do want to assure all local residents that the engineers in the Los Angeles Caltrans district office are working diligently and speedily to repair damages and complete the retrofit repairs. We are proud of Caltrans. We want the public to be proud of us too.


Los Angeles Section, Professional

Engineers in California Government
