
Writing for Credit

Brian Grazer’s stunningly arrogant comment regarding “roundtable” screenwriting--”If a script is good, what does it matter how many people wrote it?”--is typical of the contempt in which Hollywood studio types hold writers, brought about by the long and continuing ineffectiveness of the Writers Guild of America West (“Roundtable Writing: A Headache for Guild,” Feb. 9).

Right, Brian. What does it matter who wrote “The Three Sisters”? Or “The Glass Menagerie”? Or “All About Eve”?

I would like to humbly suggest that you “roundtable” the producers and directors of your next movie. And I further suggest, since it doesn’t matter who gets credit for what in films, that you restrict your credit to one among a dozen or so others (who probably had more to do with the actual making of the movie than you) in a credit roll at the end of the film.


See how much you like that roundtable.


North Hollywood
