
HOLLYWOOD HILLS : Investigation Continues on Bomb at Prosecutor’s Home

Los Angeles police are continuing the investigation into the discovery this week of a bomb at the Hillside Avenue home of a deputy district attorney.

The device--a plastic carton containing gasoline, several wires and a pipe--was found Monday on a driveway by three plumbers working on a water line nearby.

Police set up cordons and evacuated residents for about two hours until the bomb was dismantled.


“The plumbers handled the bomb on three separate occasions, at one point even pulling apart some of the wires before calling authorities,” said Detective Tom King. “People could have been killed and structural damage done to the buildings in the area.”

Police declined to identify the residence where the bomb was found, but “The Price Is Right” TV game show host Bob Barker said the bomb was placed on the residence of his neighbor, Richard Size, a deputy district attorney in the Van Nuys office.

“My first reaction was: Did they get it in the right driveway?” Barker quipped. “But seriously, the person who made this obviously knew what he was doing, so it is frightening.”


“Size is mystified. He has no idea why the bomb was in his driveway,” Barker said.

Barker said he’d been threatened because of his work with United Activists for Animal Rights, a group attempting to prevent animal cruelty in movie productions. Police declined to comment on the theory that the device may have been intended for Barker.

Size, a county prosecutor for 24 years, was described by co-workers as a low-key attorney who did not work on high-profile cases.

“However, any time you’re dealing with felony prosecutions, you’re dealing with wackos--you’re around weird people all day long,” said a deputy district attorney in the same office.
