
Fired News Anchor

* In his “Testimony” (Voices, Feb. 14), former Chinese language news anchor Joseph Jinn claims his dismissal from the station was because of an unflattering report he did on a recent reception for Taiwanese Premier Chan Lien.

However, any news department, whether ethnic or mainstream, must hold itself up to the same standards--clear and unbiased reporting. Jinn crossed the line with his report where, in his own words, he was “a bit critical, a little sarcastic.” It was this violation of professional standards which led to his dismissal.

We agree with Jinn on one point--that he was naive in thinking his own politics would be accepted by this station as journalistic copy simply because we are an ethnic news department.


Like any other new department, KSCI provides a proper forum for editorial comment, but only when it is properly labeled as such, not delivered under the guise of objective new report. Jinn’s personal opinions, however, were fused throughout what should have been a straight news story, a violation of accepted news standards and a disservice to our viewers.

His dismissal may indeed have a “chilling effect” on ethnic news reporting in Southern California, but only if we allow politics to get in the way of good solid reporting.

KSCI is a broadcast station that serves more than 5 million households in Southern California from Los Angeles to San Diego.


STANLEY CHUNG, News Director

KSCI Channel 18

Los Angeles
