
Activists March in Plea for Truce Among Gangs in Area

About 50 activists marched through the community last weekend to ask area gangs to stop a bloody rivalry that has killed 11 people and wounded 30 others in the past four months.

Members of the Brown Berets, the Coalition Against Police Abuse and an incense-bearing Mayan spiritualist were among activists who took their message of peace to the streets of the Oakwood section on Saturday.

“We’re trying to let these guys know that the community supports the need for a truce,” said Michael Zinzun, a longtime political activist. “That’s why we’re putting ourselves on the line right now.”


Many hard-core gang members, however, did not attend the rally. Some residents were skeptical of the activists, many of whom were from outside the area.

“The kids who should be out here are not out here,” said resident Lupe Gonzalez, 48. “We don’t need anyone to come into our community and tell us what our problem is.”
