
BURBANK : Temporary Signs OKd by City

The Burbank City Council has voted to allow businesses to erect temporary signs for promotional events.

The move signals the end of two years of reform for the city’s sign ordinances, which have never allowed temporary banners or signs.

Under an ordinance approved Tuesday night, business owners may put up the signs for a $35 fee.


The City Council also approved a measure that bars anyone from putting up signs on private property without the owner’s permission, an action that opponents said could affect future political campaigns.

Councilman Bob Bowne dissented in the 4-1 vote to approve the temporary sign permits, saying that the action would encourage too many signs, giving the city a “trashy” appearance while creating friction between businesses and city enforcement officials.

Under the new ordinance, businesses would be able to put up promotional signs twice during the year for no more than 14 days in each use.


Auto dealers would also be able to put up bunting for six months for the same $35 fee.

Businesses would also have to give the city a $120 deposit that would be forfeited if the signage or bunting did not come down in time.

By also prohibiting signs to be posted on private property without the owner’s permission--an action approved unanimously--future political campaigns will be affected, and lesser-known candidates will have a harder time gaining exposure, said Councilman Dave Golonski.
