
Malathion Spraying

* Apparently, Isi Siddiqui, assistant director of the Department of Food and Agriculture, is bugged by the fact that people are opposed to being sprayed with malathion. His comment that “we won’t walk away from this one” (Jan. 25) reveals the same bureaucratic tunnel-vision mentality that exposed hundreds of people to radioactivity without their consent. This guy thinks he’s at war with the people. Unfortunately, it’s our tax dollars that have provided him with an air force prepared to wage chemical warfare.

It’s time to hold accountable those who would play Russian roulette with the public’s health and safety. It’s time to look at the big picture and ask ourselves how is it possible that such deeds can be perpetrated on us when it is we who empower them? Why do we tolerate a system that lets special interests (agribusiness in this case) manipulate state and federal agencies to the extent the public is placed at risk?


Orange County Citizens Against Malathion

Spraying, Garden Grove
