
Want a New Job? Request a ‘Make-Over’

Do you have the job you want, or would you like a “job make-over?”

Send us a typewritten letter detailing the job you have and the type of job you want. The best of these job make-over stories will be taken to professional job counselors who will advise how you can move from the job you have to the job you want. The selected stories and the counselors’ responses will be published in The Times in a March 7 special section on the job market.

In your letters, please include your educational and career background, current job responsibilities and qualifications for your dream job. Keep it short and include your name, address and phone number.

Mail your letters to: Job Make-Over, Los Angeles Times, Business News Section, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Or fax them to (213) 237-7837. Or send them via electronic mail to [email protected]. All letters must be received by Feb. 14.
