
Gay & Lesbian Expo Opens Friday

The Gay & Lesbian Expo ’94 came about because gay and lesbian consumers have to be more careful where they spend their money, says R.A. Scott, director. The goals of the three-day event are to make people aware of which companies support politicians and legislation that promote discrimination against gays, and to match gay and lesbian dollars “with companies that practice fairness.”

More than 225 vendors--representing everything from Budweiser beer to Triangle Survival earthquake kits, health and fitness, health care, entertainment, retail and travel markets--will have booths at Santa Monica Air Center, 3021 Airport Ave. About a dozen L.A. restaurants will participate in “A Taste of Gay L.A.” Tony winner Jennifer Holliday (Saturday, 8 p.m.) is among the entertainers who will perform.

The event begins Friday, 5-10 p.m., with opening ceremonies at 7 p.m. An AIDS benefit featuring Fem 2 Fem begins at 8 p.m. ($15 in advance; $20 at the door). Saturday hours, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., with country barn-dancing 1-7 p.m. $8. For more information, call (213) 848-2224.
