
Procter & Gamble Plant Manager Resigns

The manager of Procter & Gamble’s Oxnard plant has resigned unexpectedly and will probably be replaced this month, a company spokesman says.

Carlton Sherman, who headed the Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. facility for three years, left last month without warning, “but I have no reason to believe it wasn’t voluntary,” spokesman Robert Paulger said.

Paulger said he had no idea of Sherman’s future plans. “All I know is that we received an announcement that he was resigning. But that isn’t unusual. In a company this size, people come and go.”


During Sherman’s tenure, employment at the plant rose to 600 from 380. The plant makes toilet paper and napkins. A soon-to-be-completed expansion program saw a second paper-making machine installed at a cost of $150 million.
