
Pasadena : Stones, Pink Floyd at Bowl

The Pasadena City Council has approved a licensing agreement with Avalon Attractions to bring the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd to the Rose Bowl in 1994. The Stones will play at least one date in October with the possibility of adding up to three others if the first show sells out, and Pink Floyd will play one show at the Bowl on April 16.

The agreement specifies Avalon will pay a flat $800,000 rental fee to lease the 100,000-seat Rose Bowl for each show. Pasadena will keep the profits from parking and concession sales, which should total about $178,000 per concert.

The council found itself hoping the Stones do not sell out, since city expenses for security for extra shows will cut into the rental fee and concession profits. Pasadena will net roughly $722,700 for the Pink Floyd concert and one Stones show, but only $618,500 if the Stones decide to play additional shows.


The agreement was approved 5 to 1. Councilman Chris Holden opposed the measure because he said the agreement gave the city a diminishing return. Councilman William Thomas was not at the meeting.
