
Hotel Blast Injures Boy, 2 Employees

A small butane stove exploded at the Universal City Hilton hotel Sunday, injuring a 3-year-old boy and two employees, Los Angeles city fire officials said.

The boy, a hotel guest, suffered second-degree burns on his face and hands, said Bob Collis, spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department. The boy, who was not identified, was treated at Childrens Hospital and released, said Kathy Stevenson, a hospital spokeswoman.

Elias Castro, 27, and Jose Rodriguez, 49, were taken to St. Joseph’s Medical Center with first-degree burns. They were treated and released, a hospital spokeswoman said. A manager at the hotel identified both men as employees.


The blast occurred about 11:47 a.m. when the two men were making omelets for brunch, Collis said. A leak in the stove apparently sparked the explosion, he said.
