
DANA POINT : Teen Wins Contest for Youth Expo Logo

Don Cadona, 14, has been named the grand-prize winner in the contest to design a logo for the Orange County Fair’s 1994 Youth Expo.

Cadona, whose design was chosen from 37 entries, won a $50 cash award and a blue rosette. Judging was by the expo staff. He is a Dana Hills High School freshman.

Cadona’s winning artwork--a line drawing in black ink playing on the expo theme of “Foxes, Hares and Golden Bears”--will be featured on the cover of the expo’s competition handbook.


Youth Expo, an educational fair, will be held from April 29 through May 1 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Mesa. It will offer young people an opportunity to learn about California mammals by participating in a variety of theme-related competitions, games, special contests and exhibits.

The expo will also include school projects, 4-H competitions, a talent show, jazz festival, athletics and a display of entries in the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair.
