

1992-93 IN REVIEW


League Overall School W L W L St. Margaret’s 6 0 9 5 California Lutheran 3 3 9 4 Liberty Christian 3 3 10 11 Heritage Christian 4 8 6 12 Southeast Lutheran NA


After finishing second in the 1991-92 season, St. Margaret’s charged back last season to compile a 6-0 league record and reach the playoffs. But the Tartans went down in the first round against Hesperia Christian, 67-49. Susan Heydenrych, a junior at St. Margaret’s, was Academy League co-player of the year and a first-team all-league selection along with Tartan teammate Lisa Bevill. Gabi Keil and Shay Trette who made the second team. Lynlee Vaccaro was a first-team all-league selection for Liberty Christian, and teammate Becky Rendon was named to the second team. Heritage Christian senior center Alisia Kean also was all-league.


League Overall School W L W L Sherman Indian 9 1 12 6 La Sierra Academy 9 1 13 7 La Verne Lutheran 5 5 13 9 Hamilton 3 7 9 9 C.S.D.R. 2 8 9 10 So. Cal. Christian 2 8 3 19



The league was pretty much dominated by Riverside Sherman Indian (12-6, 9-1), but the Braves stumbled in the Division V-AA playoffs, where they were defeated by wild-card winner Arrowhead Christian, 56-52. The lone Orange County team in the league, Southern California Christian, finished 3-19 and 2-8 (last place in league.


League Overall School W L W L Gethsemane Baptist 12 0 17 1 Dow. Calv. Chapel 10 2 17 3 Pioneer Baptist 7 5 12 7 Gateway Christian 6 6 6 13 Heritage Christian 4 8 6 12 Bethel Baptist 2 10 2 18 H.B. Claremont 2 10 2 18


Long Beach’s Gethsemane Baptist finished the season in first place with a record of 17-1, 12-0. The Crusaders advanced to the semifinals of the Division V-A playoffs but were defeated by Lone Pine, 49-30. Heritage Christian had the best record (6-12, 4-8) among county teams, and Bethel Baptist and Huntington Beach Claremont finished tied for last. Claremont’s Stacy Johnson was all-league honorable mention.



League Overall School W L W L Cer. Val. Christian 12 0 22 2 Cap. Val. Christian 9 3 16 6 Whittier Christian 8 4 14 8 Orange Lutheran 6 6 12 11 Calvary Chapel 4 8 11 12 Ontario Christian 2 10 8 15 Brethren Christian 1 11 4 14


There is no way second-place finisher Capistrano Valley Christian could have stopped league champion Cerritos Valley Christian. The Crusaders went straight through the league’s teams, posting a record of 22-2 and 12-0. Cerritos Valley Christian went on to win the Division IV championship, defeating Burbank Bellarmine-Jefferson, 66-52. Orange Lutheran’s Kristin Weddick earned first-team all-league honors. Junior Blythe Linsay, the 6 foot-5-inch center for Calvary Chapel, averaged about 15 points a game and was an All-Southern Section selection. Capistrano Valley Christian guard Lindsey Etheridge was also all-league.


League Overall School W L W L St. Michael’s 7 1 9 10 Regina Caeli 7 1 7 12 Connelly 5 3 7 7 St. Matthias NA Loretto-Conaty NA



With two fewer teams in the league than the previous year, Connelly, the only Orange County team in the league, was able to improve its record and finish third. Kirsten Cappel averaged 13 points and 13.5 rebounds for the Koalas. Los Angeles St. Michael’s was defeated in the first round of Division IV-A playoffs by Los Angeles Notre Dame Academy, 42-30.
