
NORTHRIDGE : $45,520 Is Raised for Ventura Campus

The Ventura campus of Cal State Northridge has raised $45,520 in donations so far this year, successfully offsetting state funding cuts that reduced the satellite campus budget by $45,000, officials said.

Most of the money was raised by the Oct. 30 Class Act Telethon on KADY Television that raised more than $34,000, with pledges still coming in, said Joyce M. Kennedy, campus director.

More than $10,000 was raised earlier in the year through various efforts and another $9,000 is expected from sales of a cookbook compiled by university volunteers, Kennedy said.


“Through the generosity of KADY Television, the support of the wider community and the commitment of the Class Act Committee, we have not only begun to restore essential classes, but we believe we have turned a major corner in our long quest for a public university in this county,” Kennedy said.

Most of the money raised will pay for additional classes, which cost about $3,000 each, she said. Fourteen classes were cut from the curriculum last year when the campus budget was reduced by 17%.

The cookbook, featuring recipes from students, faculty and friends of the university, is on sale for $10 at the campus or $13 by mail. For more information, call 654-4575.
