
Countywide : State PTA Offers $250 Scholarships

Full-time public school teachers and nurses, and parents who volunteer in local schools, are eligible for scholarships for continuing education from the state’s Parent-Teacher Assn.

The PTA’s 1993-94 program offers 50 scholarships to teachers and 15 to nurses, each for $250, for use at any accredited college, university or technical school between Jan. 1 and May 31, 1994. An unspecified number of $250 scholarships are available to parent volunteers for use anytime next year.

Eligible are teachers and nurses with at least three years of experience in California schools who are employed in a state public school full time and plan to continue teaching in California public schools. Parent volunteers who apply must be current PTA members who have been active in PTA for at least five years and plan to continue their involvement.


Applications are available from the California PTA, P.O. Box 15015, Los Angeles, Calif. 90015, (213) 620-1100, and are due today. Selections will be made by a PTA committee, and recipients will be notified in December or January. The scholarships are funded through donations to the PTA Honorary Service Award Program.
