
VILLA PARK : Denes Is Elected Mayor by Council

Barry L. Denes was elected mayor for a year last week by his fellow council members.

Denes, 48, said the council’s biggest challenge next year will be balancing the city’s budget.

“We’re going to have to closely watch revenues and our expenses as we have for the past two years because I don’t see any relief coming from the state in 1994,” he said.

He said if the city’s revenues continue to shrink, the council will be faced with possibly cutting capital improvement projects such as street repairs. “We may have to forgo some of those projects, but you can only do that for so long.”


The City Council unanimously appointed Denes and selected Bob Patchin as mayor pro tem for a year.

“I’m very excited and I’m going to work very hard for the city,” said Denes, who plans to run for the council next year.

Denes moved to Villa Park with his wife, Dottie, and two children five years ago from New York.


“I like serving the people here,” he said.
