
‘Blue’s’ Substance

Thanks ABC for showing “NYPD Blue.” When you get past the nudity and the violence, you realize that there is great acting, directing, camera angles and scripts in this fast-paced 60-minute drama. I hope that the show will continue on the air for many seasons.

Sheri La Roche, Anaheim

Keenan and ‘Picket Fences’

The car-jacking episode of “Picket Fences” (CBS, Oct. 22) was all too frightening because of its topicality. It deserved an Emmy Award for its writing, direction and acting--especially Michael Keenan, who played the car-jacking victim. He will be sadly missed from this extraordinary series, indeed, one of the best on TV.

Bob Canning, Burbank

‘Kidquiz’ a Light for Teens

I am a sixth-grade teacher in San Gabriel. I am writing to protest the cancellation of the children’s show “Kidquiz” (KCBS). I have twice taken teams from my school to compete on this show and found its motivational value tremendous, not to mention what it does for school spirit. It also offsets the many negative teen role models in today’s news (gangs, et al) with some very positive images. I would hope that KCBS will reconsider the ill-advised decision.


David B. Hough, President, San Gabriel Teachers Assn.
