
GARDEN GROVE : City Debates Plan for Korean District Signs

The City Council this week debated a controversial proposal by Councilman Ho Chung to install two concrete signs in street medians to identify the Korean business district, the largest in Orange County.

Chung, a native of Korea, told the council that the signs would demonstrate an appreciation of the Korean culture and would increase pride among the owners of an estimated 600 Korean businesses, nearly all on Garden Grove Boulevard.

The proposed Korean business district signs would be installed on Garden Grove Boulevard, one near Brookhurst Street and the second near Beach Boulevard.


The matter is expected to be decided by the council next month.

When Chung detailed his proposal to colleagues this week, the reaction was mixed.

Some council members, including Mayor Frank Kessler, expressed support, while several residents near the business district protested, claiming the signs could establish artificial barriers and halt communication between groups.

“I resent the fact that people are breaking up the city,” said Toby Rubin, a Garden Grove resident for 26 years. “We’re Americans. We are not in Korea or Mexico or Japan.”

Resident Evelyn Newcomb said the signs should read “ ‘Korean American Business District’ . . . because we are all Americans here.”


City officials said the signs would cost about $8,000 each to purchase and install.

Similar signs are proposed to identify the area around the Civic Center.

Kessler said he supports the Korean business district signs, adding that Korean merchants have worked hard in the town and are entitled to the recognition.

Kessler also said the signs represent an appropriate compromise.

Several years ago, Kessler said, Korean leaders were seeking “Korea Town” signs on the Garden Grove Freeway.

He opposed that plan and pledged, instead, to support the signs on Garden Grove Boulevard.

“We don’t need two or three towns in one city,” he said. “We don’t want Korea Town; this is Garden Grove Town.”


Councilman Bruce A. Broadwater said he opposes spending taxpayer money on the signs and called for a delay to see if Korean business people “would put up the bucks.”
