
DECORATING : File the Kiss Myth Under Mistletoe Heading

From Associated Press

Along with the stockings, stars, bulbs and bows that people use to garnish their homes each December is another decoration that helps make Christmas complete. It doesn’t have the beauty of a fir tree nor the pleasant smell of holiday spice, but it does have a mystique that few holiday customs can claim: Why are people kissed under the mistletoe?

Legend has it that Frigga, the Scandinavian version of Venus, goddess of love, wanted to protect her son, Balder, the Scandinavian Apollo, from danger. She asked everything in the world to promise Balder would not be harmed by anything that came from fire, water, air or earth.

However, mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on trees and never touches the ground. With an arrow made from its branch, an enemy struck Balder.


Frigga’s tears, represented by white berries, caused the gods to pity her and revive her son. Afterward, Frigga asked the mistletoe to promise that it would never again cause harm. Since then, the plant has become a symbol of peace between enemies and love between friends. Those who pass beneath a door on which it hangs take that pledge of peace and friendship, sealed by a kiss.

Whether you believe the legend, mistletoe adds fun to Christmas decorating. But first you must find the plant. Mistletoe grows primarily in the South on the trunks and branches of apple, lime, hawthorn, sycamore, poplar, locust, fir and oak trees. Birds spread the plant when they bite its sticky white berries and rub against other trees. But the berries are for birds alone--they are poisonous for people. You can also purchase fresh sprigs in December at floral shops.

Be sure to wash your hands after handling mistletoe. Its oily residue may cause allergic reactions.


To preserve mistletoe, dip the end of the stems in melted wax. Store it in the refrigerator after removing its packaging. After the holidays, let mistletoe dry naturally so it can be used again.
