
Lending a Helping Hand : From literature programs to preserving trees to providing meals for the needy, volunteers are sought for a variety of tasks.

SPECIAL TO THE TIMES; <i> Heather W. Morgan is a regular contributor to The Times</i>

Theresa Bower, a commercial artist, spends most of her professional time creating beautiful images and high-tech concepts for companies throughout California.

But as a volunteer citizen forester with Tree People, it’s not unusual to find her rolling up her sleeves and digging in the dirt.

“It’s my way of giving back to the Earth,” said Bower, a 10-year TreePeople volunteer who maintains residences in the small Northern California town of Lakeport and locally in West Hills.


As a citizen forester, Bower works with the Parks and Recreation Department and the U.S. forestry service to head projects such the one in the Sepulveda Basin that aims to restore cottonwoods there. This particular project, now in its third year, is expected to take about 10 years to complete.

“The quality of people who volunteer are amazing. They’re so dedicated,” she said. “And it’s not every day that you see such a diverse group of people, young and old, rich and poor, working side by side for a common cause. It’s really great.”

For more information about TreePeople, call (818) 753-4600.

As the children’s librarian at Panorama City Library, some of Ruth Seid’s rewards have come from training older adult volunteers for the “Grandparents and Books” program.


“Sometimes you’ll see that special look in a child’s eye when they connect with the story that’s being told,” she said. “And you’ll see it in the volunteer, too. The ones who do this job are really terrific storytellers, using the felt board or puppets to enhance the tale.”

“Grandparents and Books,” in its fourth year, is offered at 30 libraries throughout the city. Most of the reading is offered in the afternoons. And the only qualification for the job is that volunteers love reading and enjoy working with children, she said. The Panorama City Library will offer training sessions in January.

“This program is an important tool for our community on many levels,” she said. “So many families are separated from their families by great distances, so this gives both the old and the young the chance to be together, to experience each other.


“Also, there are many parents who want their children to improve their English, but they don’t feel that they have the language skills to read out loud. So here, the children and the parents can listen and learn.”

For more information on the Panorama City Library program, call (818) 894-4071.

Other organizations that use volunteers for the holidays and throughout the year:

The Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley, a Van Nuys-based membership organization, has been around for more than 40 years. Its primary function is to assist with local needy children. Volunteers are involved with such projects as a clothes corner that supplies more than 2,500 schoolchildren with new clothing; “Kids on the Block,” a traveling puppet show that deals with issues about gangs, drugs and other subjects for school-age children; a movable museum that brings aspects of the Natural History Museum into the classroom; and a choral music troupe that visits area nursing homes throughout December and January. The organization also holds an annual Golf ‘N’ Gusto fund-raiser in April. Call (818) 785-4134.

Loaves and Fishes in Van Nuys is a food pantry and clothing distribution center that operates under the umbrella of Catholic Charities. The organization has been serving those on limited incomes and the homeless for five years. Barbara Ausburn, volunteer coordinator, estimates that about 3,000 people receive groceries each month. During the holidays, the production line and distribution of items is even greater.

It is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to interview applicants, fill food orders, sort and organize the pantry and clothing and help with office work. Call (818) 997-0943.

Meals to the Homebound offers just that--a hot meal and beverage to elderly people confined to their homes. Volunteers must be 18 and hold a current California driver’s license and insurance. Drivers are reimbursed for mileage. Call Van Nuys, (818) 988-7188; North Hollywood, (818) 761-6224; Sunland, (818) 353-1413; San Fernando, (818) 361-8089.

Lutheran Social Services, an emergency center, in operation since 1946, uses about 300 volunteers to help thousands of the needy and provide job assistance.

Jerome Nilssen, the Valley coordinator, said volunteers are especially needed around the holidays for interviewing, case management, staffing the job desk, running the thrift shop and food distribution. Bilingual volunteers are in demand. Call (818) 785-2114.

The Valley Interfaith Council, based in Chatsworth, provides nine food pantries for the needy. The organization is a network of temples and churches throughout the Valley that serves millions of meals each year. Volunteers are needed to set and clean tables, prepare food and serve it, and do telephone and office work. Call (818) 718-6460.

El Centro de Amistad, 7024 Deering Ave., Canoga Park, an agency run under the auspices of the County Mental Health Department, provides food, and during the holidays, toys for needy families. Volunteers are needed during Christmas week to distribute the items collected to area families. Call (818) 347-8565.

Heads Up, Therapy on Horseback was formed in 1986 by Nancy Pitchford to give disabled children, teen-agers and adults the opportunity to continue physical therapy in a non-clinical environment. The Saugus range has about 30 people in its program, with three volunteers required per horse and rider. Equestrian experience is not required. The ranch will have its annual fund-raiser and auction Jan. 29 at the Canyon Country Elks Lodge. Volunteers are needed to assist with the event. Call (805) 297-7433.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving needs holiday volunteers to act as designated drivers. Throughout the year, volunteers are used at health fairs to pass out literature, speak at local schools and other organizations about the program, organize its annual fund-raiser and assist with victim services. Also, teen-agers are always needed to become involved at their high school. Call (818) 986-6233.

The Burbank Temporary Aid Center provides Christmas food pantries to local families and individuals. People are needed for preparing food, making baskets, sorting donated items and answering the telephones. Call (818) 846-2330.

The Pacoima Community Youth Culture Center works with several local churches to provide holiday dinners for about 500 needy families and individuals. The rest of the year, the center offers a variety of counseling, tutorial and other educational programs for low-income people. Volunteers are needed to prepare, cook, clean and service holiday dinners and baskets. Call (818) 896-8878.

Luz de Cristo Youth Center in Van Nuys works with gang members, helping them stay off the streets by offering counseling, computer instruction, recreational activities and other social services. About 25 volunteers are helping these 12- to 25-year-olds in the evenings and Saturdays. Bilingual volunteers are especially needed. Call (818) 901-1684.

Jewish Big Brothers offers Jewish children from 6 to 16 a “big brother” to take them to such places as the zoo or the movies. Of the children, 95% come from single-parent homes. Volunteers must be at least 23 and are asked to be able to give four to six hours a week for a year. The screening process is extensive. Valley locations are in Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks, (818) 907-3870, and West Hills, (818) 587-4360.

AIDS Project Los Angeles, a countywide agency, is looking for “buddies” to offer comfort and companionship during the holidays and assist with small errands and other household chores. Volunteers also are needed for the hot line, clerical duties and fund-raising campaigns. Training is provided, and buddies and can be matched by location. Call (213) 962-1600, Ext. 109.

Haven Hills offers battered women and their children shelter during a domestic emergency. Volunteers are needed to staff referral telephones, provide temporary housing, donate clothing and furniture and help with office duties. Call (818) 887-6589.

Las Mujeres: Harmony in the Family, based in Van Nuys, offers support to Spanish-speaking families who experience violence in the home. Volunteers are needed for the organization’s hot line and speaker’s bureau, fund-raising, publicity and counseling. Bilingual volunteers are especially needed. Call (818) 786-2079.

The American Red Cross in Van Nuys uses volunteers year-round for its cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses, emergency relief, answering telephones, filing, typing, computer data entry and organizing fund-raising events. Bilingual speakers also are needed for the emergency hot line. Call (818) 376-1700.

The Los Angeles Zoo uses volunteers to give tours to schoolchildren and other organizations, provide information and answer questions from the public. The zoo has volunteer programs for teen-agers as well. Training is required for both. Call (213) 666-4090.

The Student Naturalist Program in Newhall offers children 8 to 12 the opportunity to explore 10 miles of local flora and fauna in the 350-acre Placerita Canyon State and County Park. The year-round program includes hikes and wildlife displays. There is a special program for deaf children. Volunteers, especially those conversant in sign language, are needed to lead hikes. Call (805) 259-7721.

Cabaret uses professional musicians, singers and dancers to perform at local convalescent and nursing homes. Established six years ago by Rena Le Blanc, the group generally plays big band jazz, Broadway show tunes and international favorites, touring about once a month. Auditions are required. Call (818) 887-6053.

The West Valley Symphony Orchestra, featuring Pierce College students and professional musicians, uses volunteers for its fund-raising efforts, writing press releases, clerical duties and scheduling concert dates. Call (818) 883-8030.

The Retired Senior Volunteer Program in Van Nuys and Burbank is dedicated to providing assistance to senior citizens with their personal needs, from taxes to Medicare advice. The program also places older adults as volunteers in various community projects. Call (818) 908-5070 or (818) 953-9503.

Jewish Elder-Care Corps provides care and companionship to senior citizens in nursing homes. Volunteers are asked to visit on a regular basis, reading, writing, playing games and conversing with the patient. Volunteers are matched with nursing homes in the area. Days are flexible. Call (818) 377-9849.

Ombudsmen, Long-Term Care is a Los Angeles-based agency that recruits volunteers to assist senior citizens with legal questions about their convalescent or nursing home care. Volunteers require training. Call (818) 881-6460 or (310) 393-3618.

Los Angeles Community Action Network (L.A.CAN) is a volunteer membership organization that began in 1983. The network assists other organizations with their fund-raising events, from cooking hot dogs or painting children’s faces at a school carnival to calling bingo numbers at a veterans’ hospital or feeding the homeless at a community shelter.


Members receive a bimonthly newsletter with about 80 to 100 listings that need volunteer help. Call (310) 998-4670.

The Dedicated Older Volunteers in Educational Services (DOVES) is a program connected with the Los Angeles Unified School District and designed to ease the pain of large classrooms and understaffed administration and office duties.

Volunteers with skills in math or science-related fields are especially needed in the junior and senior high school levels. Call (213) 997-2300, Ext. 6080.

Nursery Nature Walks, based in Pacific Palisades, offers walks for young children and their parents at parks and trails throughout the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas. Training is required. Call (310) 998-1151.

Senior citizen centers throughout the county use volunteers during the holidays to get involved with special programs and bring warmth and holiday cheer to the elderly. Other programs are offered during the year. The locations are:

* Agoura Hills Senior Center, (818) 597-7361. * Bernardi Multipurpose Senior Center, Van Nuys, (818) 781-1101. * Canoga Park Senior Center, (818) 340-2633 or (818) 992-8094. * East Valley Multipurpose Senior Center, North Hollywood, (818) 780-0633. Glendale Senior Center, (818) 241-4136. * Joslyn Senior Center, Burbank, (818) 953-9594. * Korean Senior Citizens Center, Granada Hills, (818) 368-8611.

* Robert M. Wilkinson Center, Northridge, (818) 701-0141. * Valley Senior Service and Resource Center, Reseda, (818) 705-2345. * Valley Storefront Multipurpose Center of Seniors, North Hollywood, (818) 984-1380. Museums and natural preserves use volunteers to maintain the surrounding grounds, catalogue and file historical artifacts, provide public information and assist with publicity and fund-raising efforts. Some places to call: * Andres Pico Adobe, Mission Hills, (818) 365-7810. * Antelope Valley Indian Museum, Lancaster, (805) 942-0662. * Bolton Hall, Tujunga, (818) 352-3420. * Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, (818) 548-2051. * Canoga Mission Gallery, Canoga Park, (818) 883-1085. * Casa Adobe de San Rafael, Glendale (818) 548-2147. * City of Lancaster Museum/Art Gallery, (805) 723-6250. * Descanso Gardens, La Canada-Flintridge, (818) 952-4400. * Exotic Feline Breeding Compound, Rosamond, (805) 256-3332. * Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum, Griffith Park, (213) 667-2000. * Gordon S. Howard Museum, Burbank, (818) 841-6333. * The Japanese Garden, Van Nuys, (818) 989-8166. * La Casa de Geronimo Lopez, San Fernando, (818) 361-5050 or (818) 365-9990. * Leonis Adobe/Plummer House, Calabasas, (818) 712-0734. * Los Encinos State Historic Park, Encino, (818) 784-4849. * Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana, San Fernando, (818) 361-0186. * Orcutt Ranch and Horticultural Center, West Hills, (818) 883-6641. * Theodore Payne Foundation, Sun Valley, (818) 768-1802. * Travel Town Railroad and Museum, Griffith Park, (213) 662-5874. * The Western Hotel Museum, Lancaster, (805) 723-6260. * Wildlife Waystation, Angeles National Forest, (818) 899-5201.

* William S. Hart County Park and Museum, Newhall, (805) 254-4584 or (805) 259-0855.

Libraries are looking for volunteers to sort, stack, clean and catalogue books. Other programs include used-book sales, toddler storytelling hours and “Grandparents and Books.” For details, contact the specific library: * Agoura Hills, (818) 889-2278. * Burbank Main, (818) 953-9725. * Burbank Buena Vista, (818) 953-9747. * Burbank Northwest, (818) 953-9750 * Canoga Park, (818) 887-0320. * Canyon Country, (805) 251-2720. * Chatsworth, (818) 341-4275. * Encino-Tarzana, (818) 343-343-1983. * Glendale Main, (818) 548-2035. * Glendale Chevy Chase, (818) 548-2046. * Glendale Grandview, (818) 548-2049. * Lancaster, (805) 948-5029. * Littlerock, (805) 944-4138. * Newhall, (805) 259-0750. * North Hollywood, (818) 766-7185. * Pacoima, (818) 899-5203. * Palmdale, (805) 273-2820. * Panorama City, (818) 894-4071. * Quartz Hill, (805) 943-2454. * San Fernando, (818) 365-6928. * Sherman Oaks, (818) 981-7850. * Studio City, (818) 769-5212. * Sun Valley, (818) 764-7907. * Sylmar, (818) 367-6102. * Tujunga, (818) 352-4481. * Valencia, (805) 259-8942. * Valley Plaza, (818) 765-0805 * Van Nuys, (818) 989-8453. * West Valley, (818) 345-4393. * Woodland Hills, (818) 887-0160.

Hospitals use volunteers in many ways; a variety of hours and days are available. Most positions require some training. Call: * Antelope Valley Hospital Medical Center, Lancaster (805) 949-5105. * Encino Hospital, (818) 995-5036. * Glendale Adventist Medical Center, (818) 409-8280 or (818) 409-8000. * Granada Hills Community Hospital, (818) 360-1021. * Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, Valencia, (805) 253-8000. * Holy Cross Medical Center, Mission Hills, (818) 365-8051 or (818) 898-4613. * Kaiser Permanente, Panorama City, (818) 375-2400. * Kaiser Permanente, Woodland Hills, (818) 719-4060. * Medical Center of North Hollywood, (818) 984-3258. * Northridge Hospital Medical Center, (818) 885-5404. * Palmdale Hospital Medical Center, (805) 273-2211, Ext. 3151. * St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, (818) 843-5111, Ext. 7161. * Tarzana Regional Medical Center, (818) 881-0800 or (818) 708-5134. * Valley Hospital Medical Center, Van Nuys, (818) 908-8660. * Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Van Nuys, (818) 782-6600. * West Hills Regional Medical Center, (818) 712-4169. for pix slugged VOLUNTEERING 1 (one line)
