
Guy Lee; Agent, Promoter for Asian American Actors

Guy Lee, 66, agent and promoter of Asian American actors such as John Lone and B.D. Wong. In 1965, Lee was one of seven co-founders of East West Players, the oldest Asian American theater company in the United States. He was also a co-founder and board member of the Assn. of Asian Pacific American Artists. Lee began his career as an actor, performing in vaudeville from age 5 and later appearing with Ronald Reagan in “Hong Kong,” with Gregory Peck in “Keys of the Kingdom” and Elvis Presley in “Blue Hawaii.” Lee, head of the Guy Lee & Associates agency, was a leading protester of the casting of British actor Jonathan Pryce rather than an Asian actor as the engineer in the Broadway version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical “Miss Saigon.” Lee welcomed the recent announcement that Pryce will not perform in the show when it comes to Los Angeles’ Ahmanson Theatre in 1995, and continued to call for casting an Asian in the key role. On Monday in Burbank of cancer.
