
BURBANK : School Boundary Shift Is Rescinded

The Burbank school board has reversed a decision made last month that would have expanded the number of students from Burbank High School who are allowed to attend John Burroughs High School.

The board voted to rescind a move to increase the boundaries of an area whose residents may choose between the two schools.

The board voted 4 to 1 to return the area to its former size--the region between Victory Boulevard and Empire Avenue.


Board member Robert Dunivant voted against the move, saying, “I think both high schools should be as close to each other in population as possible.”

Balancing the populations of the two schools was the reason that the board had moved on Oct. 7 to expand the triangle to include all of the area between San Fernando Road and Victory Boulevard in northern Burbank and east of the Burbank Airport. The change was expected to help John Burroughs High School catch up in population to the larger Burbank High.

But since then, district officials received new figures for projected enrollment showing that, even without increased enrollment from neighboring students, John Burroughs will soon be overcrowded.
