
Letter imperfect: Yes, it was a big...

Letter imperfect: Yes, it was a big weekend for the forces of UCLA, which not only whipped USC in football but succeeded in altering the HOLLYWOOD sign to read GOUCLA.

As for the latter, you might ask: Who hasn’t succeeded in altering the Hollywood sign? Here’s who. Six years ago this week, a group of students were apprehended trying to change it. Security guards reported the crew appeared to be having trouble making an “S” for USCWOOD.


The Zsa Zsa you don’t know: She’s a writer for the news service at USCWOOD, excuse us, USC. Her name: Zsa Zsa Gershick. “My father was Hungarian, and he adored Zsa Zsa Gabor, so that’s how I got the name,” Gershick said. She added: “I met one Zsa Zsa in Asheville, N.C. And very often little old ladies tell me they have poodles and Pekingese named Zsa Zsa. But I think I’m the only other two-legged one named Zsa Zsa in town.”


Only in L.A., which doesn’t conduct puff interviews, threw Gershick a tough question.

“I’m kinder to cops than the other Zsa Zsa,” she responded.


From Zsa Zsa to Slaghoople: Let’s have a warm welcome for the two newest members of Millikan Middle School’s PTA in Sherman Oaks: Wilma Slaghoople and Betty McBricker, celebrities both.

As you no doubt know, Wilma and Betty are better known by their married names, Flintstone and Rubble, respectively.

“Every year we try to have clever names join the PTA,” said Venida Korda, the sponsor of the Stone Age housewives. “My daughter Sarah’s boyfriend worked in props on the movie (‘The Flintstones’) and he told us what the maiden names were. Sarah looked them up in a trivia book just to be sure.”


It’s all for a good cause because the memberships cost $3 apiece. In fact, the low fee was an offer another legendary character couldn’t pass up in 1992.

“Vito Corleone joined that year,” Korda said.


We’re surprised he didn’t alter the Hollywood sign, too: Scott Dewees shopped at an L.A. service station whose owner modified the wording on one pump to give a commentary on gasoline taxes.


Reverse approach: A colleague drove up to a Los Feliz market one night, parked and rushed past a panhandler to buy merchandise before the store closed. When he returned to his car, the street gent said: “Hey, man, I’m sorry. I thought this was a Lexus. It’s just a Toyota. You’re probably no better off than me.”


The insult worked. The shopper gave him a dollar.


Even Vito Corleone would treat her with caution: Terese Booterbaugh saw this message on a license plate frame on a woman’s sports car on Olympic Boulevard: “PMS and a handgun. Any questions?”


But back to Zsa Zsa (I). Gabor, who put in 120 hours of community service with a Venice women’s shelter after the slapping incident with a Beverly Hills cop, is voluntarily helping out the facility these days. She purchased 100 turkeys for the shelter, which feeds low-income mothers and the elderly.
