
Words to the Wise

My sympathy to the couple who suffered severe losses (wallet, money, passports, credit cards, travelers checks) when, in Italy, someone smeared chocolate on his jacket and the “helpers” took his wallet (“Travel Scams,” Oct. 24).

But (they called themselves) “experienced travelers”? Everything in his wallet? His wallet in his jacket? And they gave the jacket to a stranger (for help in cleaning)? How terribly naive for “experienced” travelers. A few suggestions for other “experienced” travelers:

1. Put passports (each carries his own) in a concealed pouch.

2. Divide money and travelers checks (half hers, half his) and carry them in a concealed pouch (shoulder, ankle, belly pack).


3. Her purse should contain only lipstick, tissues, etc. Limit pocket money to $20.

4. Put his money in money clip in front pocket; no more than $50 or $60.

It may be a bit embarrassing to dip into the pouch at hotel registration, but it sure beats getting robbed!


