
Poor Loser

Let me start off by introducing myself as a taxpayer and informed Simi Valley School District resident in support of Diane Collins, Carla Kurachi and Debbie Sandland.

What profoundly disturbs me and fuels this correspondence is an opportunity to express my horror at the undemocratic and un-American actions of Don Otto in this ugly matter.

The democratic bargain is the idea that in this democracy, when one runs for public office, one accepts the results of democratic election, win or lose, without regard for personal ideology or personal feelings of rejection. This is not what is happening here. Otto ran for public office, lost, and cannot and will not accept the democratic bargain. Apparently Otto has no yearning for democracy itself.


The recall mechanism in democracy is not a tool to be used lightly, and never against people who have wavered not from their advertised course. Clearly these people who call themselves PACE, led by Otto’s undemocratic leadership, have a personal agenda that is not in line with the majority of the voters that elected Collins, Kurachi, and Sandland.


Simi Valley
