
No Reason to Deny Funds to Museum

* I am responding to your article “Controversy Fuels Rush to Museum” (Nov. 12).

I am a grandmother who takes her two young granddaughters to the Newport Harbor Art Museum frequently. “Let’s talk about this one” is the usual dialogue. As a result, this museum is on the top of their list of favorite places to visit.

If gender identity in art should be censored, as Councilman (John) Hedges suggests, we would be deprived of viewing Michaelangelo’s David and many other pieces of fine art.

What planet has Hedges been living on? Today, parents teach their children to verbalize at a young age all parts of the body; whereas my generation went to movies when the word “pregnant” could not be uttered and married couples slept in twin beds.


Councilman Hedges’ narrow view regarding contemporary art is his problem, but his desire to withhold funds from a small, courageous museum with a well-respected national reputation is the concern of every citizen. It suggests a type of government we detest.

LoCurto and Occult’s installation was created for a show at MIT, an institution known for its high standards of education. The name of the piece, “Self Portrait,” means that we all are vulnerable to AIDS; thus the five-second flashing on TV monitors of some 35 people, clothed and unclothed.

The intent is to raise our awareness of the mechanics of AIDS and its all-encompassing threat. It is about humanity and reality, not homosexuality. People I know call it fascinating, awesome, chilling, incredible and powerful. They took the time to read the wall plaque and view it in its entirety.


To deprive the public and particularly schoolchildren, who tour the museum regularly and leave excited and hopeful that their next trip will be soon, is shameful. If Hedges is offended, he does not have to go, but he should not withhold funds from a museum whose purpose is to broaden and enrich the lives of those who live in his own community.


Corona del Mar
