
THANKSGIVING EVE: The North Hollywood Interfaith Food...

THANKSGIVING EVE: The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry will hold its 10th annual Thanksgiving Eve Service at North Hollywood First Presbyterian Church, one of three community services Wednesday night in the San Fernando Valley.

In North Hollywood, clergy from the 10 Christian and Jewish congregations that form the Interfaith Pantry Coalition will participate in the 7:30 p.m. service. An interfaith choir will sing and children are welcome to attend the service at the church at 5000 Colfax Ave.

Even as the coalition has grown to 150 volunteers, a representative said that the need for emergency food for families has steadily increased. “Contributions of staple foods for the pantry will be gratefully received at the service,” the representative said.


The congregations supporting the pantry are Adat Ari El, Congregational Church of the Chimes, East Valley Congregational Church, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, First Christian Church, First Presbyterian Church, Metropolitan Community Church in the Valley, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church and Temple Beth Hillel.

In Granada Hills, an ecumenical Thanksgiving eve service will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 16603 San Fernando Mission Road. Besides the host congregation, participating churches include Granada Hills Neighborhood Foursquare, Granada Hills Baptist, First Baptist, First Presbyterian, St. Stephen’s Lutheran and Knollwood United Methodist.

In Chatsworth, a community Thanksgiving eve service will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Chatsworth United Methodist Church, 10824 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Other churches taking part include St. Stephen’s Presbyterian, Holy Shepherd Lutheran, St. John Eudes Catholic and Chatsworth Congregational.



A DIFFERENT GIFT: Two San Fernando Valley churches will hold an Alternative Christmas Market on Sunday offering crafts from Third World countries and a chance to make donations to established relief agencies.

The funds will go to projects ranging from livestock, trees for reforestation, water wells and sewing machines for impoverished people abroad to shelter for the homeless in the United States.

The First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills will conduct its market from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on its grounds at 10400 Zelzah Ave. For information, call (818) 360-1831.


Woodland Hills Presbyterian Church, 5751 Platt Ave., will hold its market from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For information, call (818) 346-7894.


DUNCAN CONCERT: Singer-actress Sandy Duncan will appear in two performances of the annual Christmas concert Dec. 4 of the Metropolitan Community Church in the Valley.

The holiday concert, featuring about 40 voices and 20 musicians, will be presented at 5 and 8 p.m. in the sanctuary of the First Christian Church of North Hollywood at the corner of Colfax Avenue and Moorpark Street.

Steven Applegate, director of music for the sponsoring church, said that the concert selections will range from contemporary pieces to traditional Christmas songs.

A donation of $10 is requested for each non-reserved seat, and may be purchased at the door. For advance tickets, call the Metropolitan Community Church at (818) 762-1133.

News and announcements for this column may be sent to Religion Desk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311.
